During the Second World War all activity in the Belgian harbours ceased. It was then that the shipsuppliers first decided to hold a series of meetings. This resulted in the formation of a professional association on November the 13th 1940 known as the Belgian Shipsuppliers Association.
The request by our Association that a Ship Suppliers Department be established within the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce was approved on June 1st 1942.
On November 10th 1944 a pool was established in cooperation with the Intelligence Services to supply the ships of the Allied Forces.
In November 1945 our Association was charged with the supervision and distribution of all rationed goods intended for ship supplies. However, as the articles of our Association did not permit it to trade commercially, a temporary commercial partnership was set up under the name of UBAN Pool.
When on December 31st 1948 rationing was cancelled the UBAN Pool was closed down and relieved of its functions.